Windows 10 Upgrade


Microsoft’s latest operating system Windows 10 is released. A lot of question is raised like I should or should not upgrade?, Will all my software work on it?, will I loose any data?, How I can upgrade?

So here is an overview of Windows 10 Upgrade, hope it will help you all.

Who can upgrade?

Anyone whose device is compatible and are running genuine Windows 7 or Windows 8/8.1. This is full version of Windows 10, not a trial. 3GB download required. You can learn more about the specification required here.

Should I upgrade?

The very simple answer is yes, we should upgrade. Microsoft is providing free upgrade to windows 7 and windows 8.1 machine for an year. And there after they will charge. It is tested by many and they all opines that it is worth upgrading, it is improvement over previous versions. Many new features like Cortana, Virtual desktops, action center notification etc are interesting.

Should I wait for some time?

Well this depends on you, and you can wait for some weeks or a may be a couple of month but not an year. If you are using windows 8.1, you should go soon otherwise with win 7 you could wait. This applies to people waiting for software or drivers updates or some patch.

Will all my software work on it?

Many people upgraded and they didn’t find any issue with any software I heard of. I personally upgraded on 3 of my computer, including a pretty old laptop, I didn’t find any issue. Windows 10 is most tested OS by millions of people before its launch. It is designed to be compatible to majority of devices. The “Get Windows 10” will help you do a compatibility check. Click the menu in the upper left and select “Check your PC” or “Your PC is good to go” to displays any known compatibility issues and recommended resolutions.

How to upgrade?

Please check my upcoming post regarding this.