How to use Apple health; Everything you want to know about Apple Health

apple healthIn our last article we compared Apple health and Google Fit, today lets explore Apple Health. How we can get the best out of this IOS app. Apple introduced it in their IOS 8. So devices having IOS above 8 have the feature.

Apple Health basically divides you health in 4 categories – Activity, Sleep, Mindfulness and Nutrition.
1. Activity – Health app keeps you motivated by showing you how much you move. It combines activity data from iPhone — like your steps and distance traveled — with metrics from third-party fitness apps. And Apple Watch automatically records simple but meaningful kinds of movement.

2. Sleep – Sleep helps restore and repair your body. So going to bed at the same time every night and getting the right amount of rest can improve how you feel. Bedtime tab and 3rd party sleep apps helps to target sleep routine and also lets you visualise your sleep patterns.

3. Mindfulness – Mindfulness is all about relieve stress and improve your overall health by finding a moment to take a few deep breaths and quiet your mind. Many apps on iPhone, as well as apps like Breathe on Apple Watch, help you decompress and stay centered throughout your day.

4. Nutrition – Health app makes it easier to manage your goals and watch exactly what you eat. Third-party apps can help you keep a closer eye on every meal, and since all the data is displayed in Health, you’ll always know if you’re getting the nourishment you need.


Here are some of the devices that support Apple health. One thing I want to point here is Any device will record data only when you cary or wear it along. To make it more clear lets take an example of iPhone, it wont record your steps if you place it on your desk and go somewhere. So for complete and better analysis a wearable is advisable.
1. Apple watch
2. Iphone 5s and Later
3. Pebble time
4. Xiomi Mi Band
5. Iphone 5s and Later
6. Withings Activité
7. Fitbit
8. Huawei TalkBand
9. Jawbone

Supported Apps

1. Nike+ Running
2. Strava
3. Lark Coach
4. Minute Workout
5. Endomondo
6. Lifesum
7. Runkeeper

  • Sleep category
    1. Pillow
    2. Sleepio
    3. Wake
    4. Sleep cycle
    5. Runtastic Sleep better
  • Mindfulness category
    1. Calm
    2. Headspace
    3. Omvana
    4. Pause – Relaxation at your finger tips
    5. Mindfulness Daily
  • Nutrition category
    1. Lifesum
    2. Rise
    3. MyPlate – Calorie tracker
    4. Calorie counter and Diet Tracker by MyFitnessPal
    5. HealtifyMe

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