What to do with old Smartphone

old smartphone
You might be getting a new flagship smartphone, but whats your thought about your old Smartphone. It would be best to sell it but you may not be getting 10% of its MRP. However there of lot of things your old smartphone can prove to be very useful.

1. Old smartphone as Media player or Learning system for kids

kids learningYour old smartphone can act as media player or learning system for your kids. They can watch their favorite cartoons or any leaning video which you can download and save on the internal or external ( if supported ) memory. There are some good leaning applications for both Android and IOS. These apps do have lot of features and also have parental control system so that you can monitor what your children are watching. You can install them and see your children developing with technology.

2. Remote control

remote controlAn old smartphone can be turned into a remote control. There are few apps which make use of WiFi to turn phone into remote for your supported media players or TVs. If your smartphone have Infra Red feature than that’s a boon, you can play a large number of devices using it. I have IR on my old smartphone and I can control My AC, my TV, my Dish Tv and what else. The app I am using is smart controller app by Huawei.

3. Home security and vigilance

ip-cameraThat’s right you can turn your phone into a good home security system. You can turn it into IP camera, or make it to send alerts in case of any movement detection. Some apps like Ip webcam, or Fre Wi-Fi camera.
It is great when both parents are working and you have leave your babies at home. You can monitor your baby and keep an eye on babysitters.

4. E-Reader

If your or anyone at your home likes reading. Then this is for you. You can find tons of apps which you can download and will allow you to read your favorite book, magazine, newspaper etc. Download kindle app and read lots of books for free or also you can subscribe to their services.

5. Emergency – SOS

google_maps_offlineWe can use our smartphone to save a lot of information which might be life saving in case of emergency.
You can download offline google maps and use it for navigation in places where you don’t have access to internet. You can download and lots of offline information for your next adventure tour. You can download whole Wikipedia (11.8 GB as of march 2016) and use it later to get any information you may want offline, without any internet. Isn’t it cool? Here is more information to download https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Database_download.

6. Dedicated video player or mp3 player for your car

phone-navigationYou can convert into all in one infotainment or navigation system for your car. You can use it as dedicated video or movie player (of-course not for you while driving ). You can only enjoy mp3 songs or can use it as navigation system.


7. Desktop calendar or photo-frame or Clock

You can use it as your desktop Calendar or clock or photo-frame. You can replace your three items with just one high end digital clock plus calendar plus photo frame. There are some apps which will convert you phone into awesome widget in no time.

8. GPS tracking

gps-trackingAn overlooked technology which can be very helpful to us is GPS. We can use our old GPS enabled smartphone to keep track of any person or vehicle. An GPS tracking app installed on a phone can be tracked with another phone. It is very beneficial to track our loved ones.
Another similar approach can be to track you vehicle location. You can place your old smartphone at some hidden location inside your car activating its GPS app. Now you can track your car location in case it been stolen. Don’t forget to charge it timely. 🙂

9. Secondary video chat or messenger

You can use it as secondary messenger from your bedroom, kitchen etc.

10. Wi-Fi extender or repeater

It been very frustrating when your Wi-Fi is weak and no reachable in other part of house or other floor. Your smartphone will act as bridge between you and your WiFi router, thereby extending its strength. There are few apps which does the trick. Some requires your phone to be rooted but some works without rooting too.

What’s your idea about using your old smartphone. Please share your thoughts.

3 thoughts on “What to do with old Smartphone

  1. It was a great experience of reading your blog. You shared such an impressive and useful tip for the reuse of our old smartphone. I heard about the home automation system by using smartphone in my study time period. But I didn’t think about rest of the others. Really, I am so surprised that my old smartphone can be so useful.
    Keep sharing such impressive post!!!!!

  2. Thank you for sharing nice information…Nice information. I was searching for the same. It helped me a lot and saved my time. Thanks a lot.

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